Safeguarding in sport is a set of actions that help to ensure all children and vulnerable adults participating in sport have a positive experience.
Safeguarding is focused on keeping all children and vulnerable adults safe from harm, abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect.
A key part of safeguarding is spreading the message about keeping children and vulnerable adults safe, to challenge community norms and build a community culture in judo of always acting in the best interest of all children at all times.
Safeguarding in judo
British Judo take safeguarding and the safety of its members extremely seriously. The Southern Area follow the BJA guidelines and policies in relation to ensuring a safe environment for all those taking part in judo, particularly children and vulnerable adults. Follow the link to the BJA Safeguarding pages for further information.
The Southern Area has a designated Safeguarding Lead who can be contacted at
Safelandings is the official document that outlines child protection policies and procedures for British Judo and all of its home nations: JudoScotland, Northern Ireland Judo Federation and Welsh Judo.
Click here to download British Judo’s Safelandings –
Positive Mental Health and wellbeing.
Positive mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual is able to realise their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can perform productively, and is able to contribute to their community. The BJA aim to ensure there is appropriate support for those experiencing Mental Health Problems.
A Mental Health Problem is a pattern of behaviour, experiences, thoughts and feelings that causes significant distress and/or impairment of daily functioning and/or difficulties in relationships with others.
Such distress or impairments are most likely to be experienced over a period of time and are not easily alleviated by an individual’s typical coping strategies.
Click here to find the BJA guidance