Kent International (u16)
Online Entries only via
Closing date – Saturday, 11th June 2022.
Please note this event is always oversubscribed and entries are limited to 500. The entry will be closed when sufficient entries have been received even if this is before the stated closing date.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have entered the correct weight and category.
Entry fees £22 are not refundable under any circumstances.
Spectator fees: Adults – 1 day – £6.00, 2 days £8.00
Registration and Weigh In
A – Yellow Belt Girls 8.00am – 8.30am
A – Yellow Belt Boys 8.30am – 9.30m
B – Orange/Green Belt Girls 10.00am – 11.00am
B – Orange/Green Belt Boys 11.00am-12.00pm
C – Blue/Brown/Black Belt Boys 1.00pm – 2.00pm
C – Blue/Brown/Black Belt Girls 2.30pm – 3.00pm
Boys under 12 years and all girls to weigh-in in judo trousers and T-Shirt (0.6 kg allowance)
Boys over 12 in judo trousers (0.5 kg allowance)
Weight Categories
Band A Girls – U25 U28 U32 U36 U40 U44 U48 U52 U57 U63 063
Band A Boys – U27 U30 U34 U38 U42 U46 U50 U55 U60 U66 066
Band B Girls – U32 U36 U40 U44 U48 U52 U57 U63 U70 070
Band B Boys – U30 U34 U38 U42 U46 U50 1155 U60 U66 U73 073
Band C Girls – U44 U48 U52 U57 U63 U70 U78 078
Band C Boys – U42 U46 U50 U55 U60 U66 U73 U81 081
BJA contest rules will be operative throughout the event; all other regulations regarding the event will be in accordance with the BJA Tournament Handbook.
Medallists must wear judogi during the medal presentations.
Medals will only be presented when each group is presented.
Competitors are expected to provide their own blue and white competition belts.
Competitors must wear suitable footwear at all times when off the mat.
The ‘Golden Score’ will operate throughout the event.
Any rules incorporated after the issue of this entry form will also apply.
Compound knockout will be in use throughout the event, however if a group has seven or less players a pools system will be used.
If there are insufficient entries in a weight group the organiser reserves the right to combine weight groups after consultation with appropriate competitors.
Technical restrictions will apply for ALL Group A contests.
Enquiries to :